How to Be a Good Person, by Mati Oeltjenbruns

Happy Wednesday!

Currently recuperating from the 14 hour drive my mom and I did yesterday. We’ve been in Texas since last Thursday and got back last night. I leave to go back to Denver tonight. I’ll do a recap of my Texas vacation soon!

You might have remembered this post I did some time ago. The post was SO successful so I wanted to feature my wonderful bestie on my blog again. She’s just too damn insightful to keep her to myself.

A few weeks back, I came home to the cutest little succulent sitting by my front door with a note attached. Mati had sent me the succulent because I had just lost a pet of mine. It immediately made me cry and it made me think how great of a friend she was to me. Instantly, I knew I wanted to feature her on my blog again. Read below to see how to be a good person!

What do you think it means to be a good person? 

This question had me thinking for a few days, and for awhile I found it really difficult to answer because there are lots of ways to be a good person and anyone can be one. I finally put my finger on it and I came up with one word – acceptance. Accepting people for who they are and for who they want to be. We have all met a ton of people up to this point in our lives and there will be a ton more. I have learned that the more you are willing to accept people for their weird (or not weird) quirks, the more people are going to feel comfortable around you. Being a good person can include holding doors and paying for the coffee for the person in line behind you, and those are the types of things I think we can all agree on that we do everyday. But being mindful of how you make a person feel when they are around you, to me, is part of the package as well. With that said, I will go on to quote the most infamous sayings I’m sure everyone knows but it is so extremely true – “People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou

What actions do you do every single day to be a good friend, daughter, sister, aunt, and significant other?

I will be the first to admit – I am not a talker on the phoner. I am more of the type to just wanna hang out and talk to your face. But, I do make a point to call or text frequently. It’s not as frequent as I’d like, but life is busy. At this time in our lives the only way relationships are going to thrive is if you put a little time into them. Communication is key in any relationship. Letting people know you appreciate and value them is so important. I apply those things to all the relationships in my life.

What is one of the most important things to you and why?

It’s hard for me to just name one thing that’s important to me because with it comes a million other things. To sum it all up into one word I guess it would be “life” (lame, right?)
My family, my boyfriend, my friends, my new job I got that totally rocks, my love for music.. the limit does not exist ( 😉 ). Everything that makes up my life is important to me because it’s what gets me excited everyday.

What would you suggest to people who struggle with maintaining happy and healthy relationships with the people in their life?

Like I said before, communication is key. No one can know how you feel unless you tell them. It’s a hard step to make but once you start expressing yourself, you’ll see a lot of things start looking up. Whether things change in the relationship or you figure out what you really want/need, be real with yourself and be real with others. If they aren’t willing to listen to how you feel, I would take that as the first sign that they probably don’t really care. There is a place for communication but there is also a place for walking away. If communication isn’t working, maybe it’s time to take a step back and reevaluate what is best for yourself. The first thought that pops into your head is usually right so don’t second guess it. I’ve learned my lesson a couple of times. In my opinion, communication is the only way something is going to change in a relationship.

If there’s one piece of advice you’d want everyone to hear, what is it and why?

I’m going to sound like a broken record from the last post you did on me but, I said it once and I’ll say it again – LOVE YOURSELF!! It’s one of the best things you can do for you. When I started really loving the person I am, my life did a 180. I finally stopped caring what people thought of me. I started making decisions for me and only me. I used to always do what others wanted me to do (you can still be a nice person and say no). I built more confidence and finally got the guts to take voice lessons and kickboxing. Two things I’ve always wanted to do but I was too worried about what others thought. I met the love of my life and some more awesome friends, because I stopped being what I thought I should be and started being me. Everyone is dope, you’ve just got to find your dope-ness and run with it. Start loving yourself.

“You’ve just got to find your dope-ness and run with it.”

Like how COULD I NOT share Mati with you?? She’s one of a kind, and truly knows how to be inspiring.

I hope you enjoyed her answers as much as I did!

xx, Aubrianna


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