Delightful Moments – Renaissance Festivities

So I did something really fun on Sunday..

I went to the Renaissance Festival in Larkspur, CO!

You guys, I live for things like this. Like seriously, it’s a fairytale land for me. If you watched my first YouTube video then you’d know that I love the medieval time/middle ages. I’m obsessed with Norse Gods, Vikings (the tv show on the History channel), Game of Thrones, you name it.

So you can imagine that I really enjoy going to Renaissance Festivals! The food, the shops, the jewelry, the costumes, how they refer to guys as “Lords”, and the uniqueness of everything is just something I throughly enjoy being around. Plus, it’s a different world than ours, which is intriguing to me. That’s also why I enjoy music festivals so much, they are so different from your everyday life. Everything from the clothes you wear, what you eat, where you sleep, the energy you’re surrounded by, the people you encounter, and the atmosphere you’re in. It’s new, it’s exciting, and when you experience it once, you crave it again and again!

When you’re at any type of festival, it’s like everyone is judgment free because everyone is in their own little world enjoying their surroundings and not worrying about anyone else.

My mom was sending me videos today of a 14 year old girl who was speaking at Mayo. She was blind and she was incredibly inspirational.

During her speech she said a few things that really resonated with me:

“Accepting yourself is a big step in accepting others.”

Accept people for who they really are and accept their differences.”

“Be happy with yourself and where you are in life.”

Each of those phrases all hold a different meaning, but are still so powerful on their own.

When you try to truly think about what it means to accept others, a lot of things come into your head. Like accepting that person who just honked at you on the road. You’re accepting that maybe they’re just having a bad day and they don’t know how to express their frustration. Accepting someone who has different political or religious views than you. Accepting someone who has a disability. Accepting a significant other for having an attitude every now and then because they’re frustrated about something that has nothing to do with you (guilty, sorry babe). Accepting someone who looks different than you. And the list could go on.

When you accept someone, you aren’t judging them, you aren’t talking bad about them, you aren’t making fun of them, you aren’t giving them a hard time, and you aren’t questioning their decisions in a negative way.

Accepting yourself helps you to accept others. That hits home for me. I am no way saying that I haven’t judged someone or that I haven’t talked bad about someone. And when I heard the girl say “accepting yourself is a big step in accepting others” I was like that’s me. I will 100% be the one to admit that I struggle really hard with accepting where I am in life. I struggle with the way I look, who I am, and where I’m trying to go. It’s like if I can figure out a way to accept myself on top of learning to love myself and my life, I’ll be able to do the same towards others- accept them, love them, and appreciate them. Am I making sense because it’s making sense to me in my head?

Anyways, I just wanted share those inspiring words from her because if they resonated with me, I’m guessing they’ll resonate with someone else, too.

Kindness is everything nowadays. 

Show kindness to the people you love. Show kindness to animals. Show kindness to this place we call home. Show kindness to complete strangers.

xx, Aubrianna

Here are some old pictures from the Renaissance Festival in MN!



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