My Favorites of 2020

2020-what a whirlwind of a year. The year allowed me to slow down & really realign with who I want to be in this lifetime, what I want from this life, & what sets my soul on fire.

A year filled with growth + reflection + gratitude!

Today I have decided to compile a list of my “favorites” from 2020. This list isn’t a list of only skincare/beauty products. This list includes a variety of items that I use very regularly! & I’m most likely going to keep using them until I choose otherwise.

: 2020 Favorites :

Kenzie Burke 21 Day Reset Guide :: This guide totally transformed my eating habits. I started to incorporate A LOT more veggies, eat A LOT less dairy, & make simple changes that were for the better. An example: Hummus toast with tomatoes for dinner instead of toast with butter.

The Daily Stoic :: Stoicism is powerful. It’s way of living. Continuously harnessing that much needed awareness & learning to control your emotions. You read one page a day, & it’ll change your life in the best way.

Food, Sex, & Money Podcast by Kenzie Burke :: Kenzie Burke speaks to my soul on another level through her podcasts, the words she writes, & what she creates.

HIM & HER Podcast by The Skinny Confidential :: Just the most influential & inspiring podcast that I listen to on a weekly basis. I learn something new with each episode I listen to. I swear, you can even check the notes in my phone- it’s flooded with everything I learn from the podcast!

Boho Beautiful Meditation Videos :: Mediation is something I practice now more than I ever have before. I really picked it up when everything shut down about a year ago. It brought me a sense of clarity, a way for me to calm my anxiousness, & it has changed my life. I go back to Boho Beautiful’s guided meditations on YouTube because I always love her message.

Journaling :: Mostly I journal in the morning as a part of my morning ritual. There are no rules to journaling, do with it as you please. For me, it’s getting my thoughts out onto paper that is so powerful. & through the words I write, I can start to really dive into what I’m feeling, why I’m feeling that way, & how to process what I’m feeling. If you really want to challenge yourself, here are some journaling prompts for when you awake in the morning: If there is anything you’re feeling off with, journal on it – Why did I say this? Why did I act in this way? What served me, what didn’t serve me? How can I open my heart more? How can I be more forgiving & loving? Journaling prompts for the evening once you’ve completed your day: What bad habit did I curb today? Were my actions just? What can I improve on?

Gracefully You by Jenna Dewan :: I am very drawn to the way Jenna chooses to live her life. It feels very authentic & is in alignment with how I choose to live out my life. She’s inspirational, & her love for crystals and chia pudding makes me love her book even more.

Girl Code & Girl On Fire by Cara Alwill :: Cara is incredible!! You should follow her IG – thechampagnediet – it’s filled with inspiration on the daily. Not to mention, she has authored 9 books. YES, 9 books! She’s all about women empowerment, how to step into your own truth, & turning your dreams in reality.

Simply Inulin Fiber from The Method with Warm Lemon Water :: Inulin Fiber has helped my digestive system so much. Good gut health is vital- our gut is our second brain, and when our gut health is off, everything becomes off balance. Lemon water removes toxins from the blood. Before I eat or drink anything, I drink warm lemon water with inulin fiber. It’s best on an empty stomach. One glass a day is all you need. The physical signs I’ve noticed from the Inulin Fiber is the growth and strength in nails, hair growth, my skin clearing up, & inflammation/bloating is down in my abdomen.

My Daily Cold Brew with Frozen Banana Chunks :: I can’t express my love for this recipe enough. There’s something very therapeutic about sipping my morning cold brew while I complete my morning ritual. The banana chunks make the cold brew sweet in all the right ways & adds a thickness to the consistency like a smoothie. I don’t do a full banana, only a few chunks, otherwise the banana overpowers. Just trust me on this one & let me know if you love it as much as me.

There you have it, my 2020 favorites!

It seems odd to post my 2020 favorites 3 months into 2021 but I’m doing it anyways! It’s taken me longer than expected to complete this blog, I have no excuses though. It was just me procrastinating & not prioritizing it.

To 2020- thank you for the stillness you brought to the world. You were a difficult year to navigate through, but I’m grateful regardless. The only way to grow and progress as a human is to go through phases of life that are uncomfortable & unsettling. 2020 wasn’t canceled- perhaps it was the most important year of them all?

And to 2021- Live out this year by stepping into your truth. With everything you learned from 2020, apply it to the year you’re in now, & watch everything align the way it’s supposed to.

If you’re someone who lives with anxiety, click here to read my most recent post. These tips help me navigate through my anxiety so perhaps they can help you too.

xx, Aubrianna


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